3 Quotes & Sayings By Kelly G Wilson

Kelly G. Wilson is the author of the popular KELLEE BAILEY SERIES - books 1 through 3, the NIKI AND DANI series, and now the #1 bestselling KELLEE BAILEY SERIES - book 4 - THE INNOCENT VICTIM. She is also the author of the SKYLINE SERIES - books 1 through 3, and has recently released her newest trilogy, THE BEST LOST. She lives in Arizona with her husband and four children.

Don't let the covers fool you. Books, like lives, are wiggling, evolving, living things. They're not bound by pages or authors or schools of thought. They're not born when they're printed; in fact, they only start to live once they're read. So first of all, we thank you, reader. You dignify this work we do, and we're sincerely grateful for your time and attention. Kelly G. Wilson
Learning to sit with ambiguity can be a very important start at a life liberated from anxiety–and the way to do it is to resist the urge to chase answers to questions that may actually be unanswerable. Kelly G. Wilson